Sunday, April 26, 2009


Addyson has been asking me all week to have her friend Ashlyn over to play so we finally had her over, and they had so much fun. Ashlyn and her family moved in across the street a few months ago and she and Addyson became fast friends. They're only a month apart in age, and Ashlyn has a little sister, Brinley, who is 3 months older that Lane. Imagine that, 4 little girls all about the same age...TROUBLE! ha ha

The weather was perfect today so the girls spent most of their play date outside in the backyard. We got the bouncer out for the first time this year and they had fun playing on that. Lane even had her first bounce on it! Later on in the day Baxter Boy got his turn on it too....

I got some cute pics of the girls playing, and if you notice, Lane and Brinley look a little bit alike. They have the same color hair, strawberry blonde, and both so sweet! Ryan got on the tramp with the girls, think they like him??

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