Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Six Months in the Making

At the beginning of January Ryan and I decided we wanted a built in entertainment center in the living room. Ryan went to work on sketching something out that we both liked, then we put the plans in action. I'm blessed to have such a handy man in my midst! Normally projects don't take him long to finish, but this has been a crazy six months. Laney's eczema has been off the charts bad, Ryan's been going out of town for work almost every week, we've all been sick here and there, basically just had a hard time devoting time to getting the thing done.
There are a few more things we want to do to it, like maybe add recessed lighting in the top, and we need to put glass in two of the cabinet doors.

I think it looks beautiful and I'm so proud of hubby's work, thank you Ryan!

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