Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday to our Addyson

We now have a 6 year old Kindergartner in the house and that can only mean one thing; DRAMA! She is quite the drama queen, but at the same time she is so funny. There are days when I don't think I can handle her dramatic side, then she'll say come up with, "Mom, you're the best Mom in the world." Such a sweet one. Love, love, love her.
She woke up extra early on her birthday to some pretty good presents. She got the long awaited Nintendo DS, some Zhu Zhu pets stuff, a board game, clothes, and a few other little things. Maybe we made a mistake letting her open presents BEFORE school because she got her first tardy on her birthday. Oh well, she had a great morning and that was most important.

Happy Birthday Addyson LeeAnn! We love you and are so blessed to be able to call you our daughter!

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