Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ryan is 1 year older

We celebrated Ryan's #34(wait, was it ok that I just told his age?? haha) all weekend and it was great. He started his birthday weekend by taking 1/2 day off of work on Friday, Mom and Dad had us over for dinner and cake on Saturday(thanks for the wonderful food Mom! We ate til' we were sick!), then today we had yet another celebration for the birthday boy. The Popes always join us for General Conference at our house, but today when they came over it was extra special because we got to eat cake! I felt kind of bad for Ryan because he grilled the chicken we had for lunch, but I know he enjoys grilling so I didn't feel too bad...
He got some neat presents, but the guy is so hard to buy for, he doesn't make it easy for anyone!

Conference was great, the kids were especially quiet during the talks, thanks to the conference packets they were working on. Delaney also seemed interested. She never lets me hold her for too long since she now knows how to stand up on and walk along the couch. But she sat on my lap for a while and had her eye on the TV when Pres. Monson was talking, I thought that was pretty neat:-)

I'm so thankful for Ryan. He means the world to the girls and me, I'm grateful we got to have him for yet another year. Happy Birthday Ryan!

1 comment:

Veronica said...

Hi Heather! Hope y'all survived the hurricane okay down there. I saw pics of H-town and it made me want to cry!

I love your blog. Such cute pics and your girls are getting so big! I haven't been on BBC much lately, especially now that it's new and yucky. Don't like the NBBC at all! Keep in touch!